Photo Shoots at the Studio or on Location
Photo sessions can be somewhat stressful for families. From wondering if the kids will behave to agonizing over what to wear and convincing Dad that it won’t be “that bad,” it might have been challenging for you in the past.
Sessions with Irina are anything but stressful!
Fun-filled, happy and relaxed, Irina doesn’t care about crazy kids!
As a matter of fact, the crazier, the better for their real personality (the one you love most) to come out. On top of that, with proper planning, a solid goal and knowing exactly what will happen, you’ll feel confident with your clothing and Dad will marvel at how “easy” it really was.
Shoots take place in our professionally designed home studio, on Roosevelt Island, New York.
We work with controlled studio lighting and a plethora of simple props and set design.
When the weather is nice, let’s take it outside! Sessions at one of Roosevelt Island's
and New York's scenic spots make for some amazing and unique images, especially if the location is special to you.
So consider carefully where you would like to have your session, or we can recommend a location for you. We will focus the portrait experience around just that, and it will be an amazing experience!
We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service and commitment to each family’s relationship and creation of unique art for their home.